Saturday, February 26, 2011


Hello and welcome to my blog.

I think that most of the mechanical background stuff is now in place. New computer, reliable data service and easy data manipulation. Much easier to have the basic tools working with you.

I am happy with the "system" I have developed to help identify market opportunities although it probably does not have the so called "edge" that is often mentioned. I may be lured back into just another indicator land but I do not think so. I am also satisfied with the money management controls I have in place. The next step is to develop a market view to bring the whole process together.

By market view I mean a state of mind which makes the market a friendly place and the game both entertaining and enjoyable to play. If viewed as a job and as grunt work then the process of trading becomes a chore and not a pleasure. Success seems more likely if the experince is enjoyable.

The view I plan to adopt is that of a sporting team scout. All the stocks are potential candidates for the team. The scan I use culls out a selection of players that meet the cut. Since this initial scan is far from perfect the culled group is culled further by visually checking each candidate. This final selection is then monitored for performance. If the performance is not as expected then the selection is turfed. If the performance is as expected then a trade is entered.

By using the MetaStock Explorer, Excel and the List Creator the above operations are easy. The key is bringing myself to the game.

I will post the selections I come up with in future posts and also any of the trades that I make.

Thank you for your time.

Sunday, February 20, 2011


Hello and welcome to my blog.

The following video is a demonstration of the JB LIST CREATEOR. Created to show how easy the program is to use and also to improve my video creation skills.

Thank you for your time.


Hello and welcome to my blog.

A few posts ago I talked about the Turtle system and how I hoped to employ some of their methods. As it turns out others have a much easier and clearer explanation. I found the following link while surfing around this morning. It outlines the use of ATR for position sizing with an Excel example. The rest of the site also looks interesting.

Thank you stock trading warrior.

Thank you for your time.


Hello and welcome to my blog.

At the start of the year I began to save my daily scans into the favorites folder in MetaStock. The intention was to return to the lists and check on their performance. I was surprised to find the favorites were not dynamic because I do not use the Rueters/MetaStock downloader. With a little bit of searching I found the BERG LIST CREATOR FOR METASTOCK. At a cost of 50 Austalian dollars my problem was solved.

Here is the link:

Installation was fairly easy and after a couple of learning errors the plug in works great. The general method is to create a list in notepad and save it to a file. With the Explorer in MetaStock run the plug in against a master list of securities. The resulting return is the list of stocks created in notepad. With this plug in I can easily check the performance of the scans I have made in the past. Very handy.

Create a list of stocks in notepad, move them into MetaStock, do what you want with the results. Very nice. Thank you Jim Berg.

Thank you for your time.