Hello and welcome to my blog.
I had a counter in a previous post that stopped working. This is an attempt at another one. See if it lasts. Mostly for fun and one of those blog toys since I am keeping my own records. I also got a small program called STOPBUDDY. Google the name and download it from CNET. The other site download links did not work. The STOPBUDDY has a counter along with other doodads concerning how to stop smoking. A lot of fun and a good motivator. I like to look at the health monitor window. I know that I have only replaced my nicotine delivery system with an electronic cigarette but the improvements in my over all well being in the last two weeks have been fabulous. I feel cleaner and healthier.
Information from STOPBUDDY
You have not smoked for :16 days and 11 hours.
You stopped smoking on 8/10/2011 at 9:42:00 PM
You have NOT smoked 329 cigarettes.
You have extended your life by 3619 minutes.
You saved 153.89 dollar
This graphic is from STOPBUDDY as of today. I think the first day had all my readings down in the red zone. A smoker for 40 years, what else could be expected. I have no idea how accurate this is but it is a boost to look at. My own personal monitoring says it is pretty good because as I said before I am feeling healthier and cleaner since I switched to electronic cigarettes.
From left to right the monitor categories are:
Blood pressure, Oxygen blood level, Carbon monoxide levels,
Taste and smell senses, Energy levels, Blood circulation, Lung capacity.
Thank you electronic cigarettes for the positive life changes.
Thank you for your time.