Saturday, August 20, 2011

Electronic Cigarettes V2 Part 3

Hello and welcome to my blog.

I paid all my e-cig bills this morning. The entry cost was $400.00. The initial V2 expense was $173.00 for the Ultimate Kit, I then bought 8o more cartridges and a charger kit for $165.00. I also found a local outlet that sells filler juice and paid $45.00 for 5 bottles. Once I add in a few do-dads the price so far has been $400.00. Without buying cigarettes anymore my break even time frame is the end of September.

What really opens my eyes though is the number of cigarettes not smoked. I always said I smoked about a pack a day but never thought in the longer term. I think this is a mental block used by smokers. One month equals about 600 cigarettes. Man that is a lot. I do not even want to calculate the amount in a year.

When I mentioned earlier that I got some e-juice the reference is for liquids that you can get to refill the cartridges used in the system. V2 does not have this and I was fortunate enough to find a local guy. No shipping charges and lots and lots of flavors. This will reduce my cost since I will refill the used cartridges I have. A small bother but not a problem. The upside is the flavors available. I got two tobacco flavors, hey I used to smoke, as well as three non tobacco flavors. Cream, coconut and Doctor Pepper are the flavors I got and they are amazing.

In terms of health improvements it is too early to tell but I am planning to get into a light style exercise routine. Try and clean out the years and years of accumulated gunk.

For mental health the last couple of days have been fantastic. The chains of being a cigarette smoker are disolving. I will admit to having a couple of smokes a day but compared to my previous consumption this is minor.

Thank you for your time.

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